I could talk forever about music. Music always makes me feel certain ways depending on what music I am listening to. Getting into good music changed my life for the better. If I listen to sad music, I will be sad. When I am in a good mood I love listening to upbeat songs by The Cure and The Smiths. When I am sad and need comfort I listen to Frank Ocean. He is my go-to for every emotion and always will be I could never get sick of him. I am very versitile and I love all kinds of music. I listen to all different genres from every decade. Whenever my friends play different songs I always know them. I am the one in the friend group who knows any and every song. This is a blessing and a curse, as I am also really indesicive. The music aspect of this project had lots of setbacks that took a while to fix. The music I was trying to use would not download and I was experiencing issues with my phone. I learned to use iMovie on my phone because when I first started this class, I did not own a com...