final task

 This project was very fun and improved my editing and filming skills greatly. It helped me express creativity through media and film. At times it was very stressful, but it helped me learn to manage time greatly. This was a setback during my project, however I was able to take time out of days to work on this. There was also things happening in my personal life that caused me to miss some deadlines but I still tried to get the work done because it was my biggest stresser. I came across many technical difficuties such as my blogger not saving things and at one point my computer broke and I had to get a new one. It was hard to balance mental health, other AICE exams, work, sports, and family while doing the project but I am happy that I still tried. This project taught me how much work you have to put in to put together  a successful film. It helped me apply the things I have learned this year to actually filming a project. I had to think about key things we had learned such as CAMS AND CLAMPS. It is cool thinking about everything that goes into making a film and applying it into the real world. I had to learn how to edit and found new ways to get different angles such as putting my phone on a skateboard and pushing it, having my friend hold the camera. I know a lot about music as well because it is one of my main interests and it was fun matching the scenes with sound effects. Whenever we filmed something or were brainstorming, tons of ideas came to mind. I am also big on cool lights and special effects. I can apply this project to real life because I can appreciate movies more. This project helped me to realize the hard work needed to be put in to making a film. It made me realize little things make a big difference. Little things contribute to movie themes such as music and costumes and the way characters speak. The editing makes a huge difference and so does the camera angles. I like when the lighting sets the mood or how you can make certain scenes allude to others and match the vibe of the movie. This project required lots of time, stress, and effort, but yet opened my eyes to what directors go through on a daily basis in order to complete the process of filming a successful movie.
