A lot of changes had to be made for this project along the way. Nothing ever goes perfectly as planned. One thing people must consider when filming is not to expect perfection. My intention with everything I do is always to strive for progress, not perfection. I had to adjust and make changes because of poor time planning and other unfortunate events having occurred along the way. Sometimes I have bigger ideas than I can achieve because I expect more than I can do and tend to hold myself to a higher standard than I can achieve. The big plans I make sometimes cannot be achieved to their full extent. When I first started this project, I wanted things very different, in fact, an entirely different genre. The original genre I had planned to do was action with police and other things like that, and yes I could have done that but with all of my other classes and AICE tests coming up, that would have been something bigger to manage than I needed. I started brainstorming other ideas and other genres I liked. I knew I liked Science Fiction but quickly realized my editing skills are not top tier. Then I was thinking of comedy but realized its difficult for me to be funny intentionally. Then I started thinking of my favorite movies and thought about how a lot of them are in the drama genre. A few are "Can't buy me love," "Top gun," and movies like that. I really like eighties movies. Anyways, I switched my genre to drama to make things more lenient because drama would still require effort, just not too overwhelming and I could still balance other classes.
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