Hi, I am Isabel D'Onofrio and I am a junior at Fort Lauderdale High School. I took AICE Media Studies this year because I want to learn about film and understand what happens behind the scenes. When watching a movie I feel as if people limit their thoughts to only the actors and not what is happening around them. When I watch a movie, I am always curious as to how the crew and actors do certain things or get certain angles. I think about how they do stunts and special affects. I would like to have a deeper understanding on what is going on. I what to understand why the director chose a certain lighting or camera angle. I want to be able to feel and understand the film that I am watch in all aspects. I think that filming is another form of art. I would like to expand my creativity in new ways. Taking AICE Media Studies will help me with thatI am very excited to start this project because I feel like it would help me express my creativity and I am always looking for new ways to do that. I am doing the project by myself. I am doing it alone because I am very shy and I do not really know anyone in AS leveled media. I feel like I would rather do it alone then have to stress about making new friends.  Due to absences I am starting late. I have faced a few big setbacks this year that had a negative impact on me, affecting my schoolwork but I am really trying to get back into the swing of things. I think this project will give me motivation because since I am late, I have a lot of work to do and I am going to make myself push through it. This project will help me with perseverance.


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