title research: rango
During the opening scene of Rango titles displayed include, written by, directed by, produced by, produces, designers, ect.. Different animals that will play characters later in the drama are prioritized in the images. This opening sequence is one of a kind. It features minimalistic imagery and pictures. The work has rich colors and contrasts, and it appears to have been painted or sketched. Music and western vibes are two themes that appear in the video. It's almost as if we're in the 19th and 20th centuries. There is a darkness and eariness that is revealed underneath some titles, creating feelings of drama. "Amazingly, Rango's end credit sequence and opening titles were completed in just a few weeks," according to the website, "yet the project allowed for a lot of unique and innovative concepts." This opening sequence has benefited greatly from technological advancements. This is due to the fact that everything was done digitally. Fade in and out from separate scenes are other examples of transitions. This film's producer also draws inspiration from other films. For example, the movie "The good, the bad, and the ugly" provided inspiration for the pop of colors. Additionally, big words are used as a strategy. This is so the audience isn’t overwhelmed with colors and titles. It also makes it easier to read. Overall Rango's opening sequence is mostly art. Because of this more editing and drawings were created rather than actual film.
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