group blog music video

 I have been absent due to mental health issues for the passed couple classes, therefore, I have not been able to get into a group really. I am fine with that though, I can just do the project alone and it will be okay. If I look at the bright side, at least I can choose whatever music I like because I have particular songs that I like and I can choose whatever I want to do. I think I am really creative so I will be able to express myself through this project. I am trying to brainstorm ideas on what to do this project on though. I like so many different genres of music that I do not know what kind of music I want to do. I like alternative rock and regular alternative/indie music best. It depends on my mood though because if I am sad I listen to certain music and if I am happy I listen to other music. Some music is really good for when I am in love and it makes me feel like I am floating. Bands like TV Girl, eyedress, and solo artists like Melanie Martinez are good for inspiration when I am drawing or doodling. Some songs are so crazy they basically explain exactly how I am feeling when I cannot put my feelings into words. The song "Its not the same anymore" by Rex Orange County leaves me at a loss for words every time I listen to it because of how accurate it is to how I am feeling. I like to listen to Blink 182 and The Smashing Pumpkins when it is fall because I feel like they match the vibe. I have a certain playlist for when I drive down a1a with my friends to go to the beach and we belt out every line to songs from the bands "Her's" and "Greer." I filter my music taste around certain friends so I have a playlist for each. My friend Abby only listens to Taylor Swift, country music, and Kanye West and I like both of them so I am honesty okay with that. My friend Sasha and I love to listen to this band called Greer and we listen to a lot of seventies, eighties, and nineties along with some fifties and sixties too! We are the old souls of the friend group and I am so glad we have that. So, I definitely have tons of songs to choose from along with tons of different genres and I am the most indecisive person I know so we will see how this goes but I am really excited.  


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